Joint Programming
The Joint Programming Committee (JPC) is a volunteer committee made up of up to two representatives from each Member organization and up to two local community members.
2018 Committee Members
Chair: TBD
Members: Greg Woodbury (CSV), Henry Faber (GS), Morgan Sears-Williams (CFMDC), Jennie Robinson Faber (DMG), Izzie Colpitts-Campbell (DMG), Genne Speers (CFMDC), Robby Duguay (GS)
Terms of Reference
The committee is comprised of 5-12 members, including a chair, staff and member volunteers.
A chair and co-chair should be designated at all times
Attendance at 75% of meetings is required to retain committee membership.
Members may be appointed to the committee by the chair or the board of directors
All committee members should:
Demonstrate a commitment to building equity in media arts and recognize barriers to inclusion
Consider introductory and advanced anti-racism/anti-oppression training with our partner Toronto Hostels Training Centre
Be familiar with TMAC's conflict resolution procedures
Be familiar with TMAC's artistic and charitable mandate
The chair of the committee can be any one member of the board of directors, or a volunteer appointed by the board as a representative of the Member organization. If the chair is a board member, these responsibilities are also set out in the role description for that director’s position.
The chair is responsible for:
Scheduling the meetings
Setting the meeting agendas
Leading the meetings
Recording and posting minutes
Following up on action items
Bringing motions to the board for approval
A co-chair must be appointed to fulfill the chair’s role as required.
The committee should meet at least 6 times per year, but may meet as frequently as needed.
Three members constitutes a quorum; chair or co-chair must be in attendance.
Minutes should be posted to the committee’s Basecamp project in a timely manner.
Major new projects should be brought to the board for approval at a meeting of the directors, or if timeliness is an issue, sooner via Basecamp.
Lines of Communication
To ensure transparency for current and future committee members, committee business must be communicated and documented (in the case of offline conversations/decisions) through a dedicated Basecamp project for the committee.
Additional Basecamp projects for committee projects may be created at the chair’s discretion. For example, the committee might start a new Basecamp project for a workshop series or seasonal program, or if curriculum or other content will be developed over time. Non-committee members, outside coordinators, and clients can be looped in to a subset of content.
The committee’s dedicated Slack channel should be used instead of email or Basecamp for roughing out ideas and general chatter about projects and scheduling.
Incoming programming proposals are received through a public form on our web site, and submissions are delivered to the shared email inbox.
The JPC is responsible for:
Planning, coordinating and executing all regular and major programming, space rentals and events:
Events presented by Members that make use of TMAC galleries and public event spaces
Receives and approves requests by Members to use TMAC spaces on an ad hoc basis
Events presented solely by TMAC and/or an external nonprofit, community or educational organization in partnership with TMAC
Plans 6 to 12 months ahead and determines topics of interest to members and relevant to yearly mandate, if applicable.
Interim: Events presented by external groups – nonprofit, education, or commercial – but not in partnership with TMAC or a Member (in the long term, external space rentals will be managed by an event coordinator staff person)
Receives and approves requests by external groups, manages resources and support volunteers, and handles billing
Managing the volunteer pool:
Recruiting and training new volunteers, conducting background checks
Communicating with volunteers via Basecamp and Slack, assigning roles for every event, and training in facilities and events logistics
Last updated