Programming & Events

This protocol applies only to events held in TMAC Spaces:

  • Gathering space

  • Small gallery

  • Main gallery

  • Mezzanine event space


Serving Alcohol

  • An SOP must be procured for any event where alcohol will be served in TMAC public spaces, without exception.

  • Post the SOP on the wall near the food and beverages, and give your receipts to the TMAC staff person or designated volunteer.

Please note that food must be served if alcohol is made available.

Member Events

Booking and Prep

  1. Have your JPC committee member book space directly through the Google Calendar for the space(s) you need. (As long as there are no conflicts, no approval is required.)

    • There is a resource calendar for each bookable space resource in the TMAC organization.

    • Include all set-up and tear down times in your booking.

  2. Identify the primary point of contact and names of volunteers in the calendar event

    • Please note that is the Member's responsibility to identify and manage volunteers for your event

  3. After you receive an invoice for TMAC, pay the Member fee for the space(s) and time you have booked.

  4. Procure a special occasion permit from the AGCO

    • Areas/rooms: 2nd floor

    • Responsible person: A staff or volunteer who will be onsite throughout your event

  5. Book catering if you will be serving alcohol.


  1. If you have an SOP, post it near your bar and provide your levy receipts to the TMAC volunteer or staff person

  2. Ensure door, registration, setup, and technical volunteers are in place and identified with badges

  3. Place temporary wayfinding signs

    • Directional signs to washrooms

    • Directional signs to event space

    • Event name on main entrance door

  4. Ensure adequate garbage receptacles are available and lined

  5. Check washroom supplies and replenish from store room if needed

  6. After the event, complete all clean-up procedures in the event cleanup checklist including locking up main entrances

Partner Events

  1. Partner completes program/event proposal form on the TMAC web site, or otherwise expresses interest in partnership

  2. JCP reviews submission and determines availability and fit

  3. Formal proposal is finalized in collaboration with partner

  4. JCP confirms date, resources, and cost and provides partner with letter of agreement and supplemental materials (e.g., code of conduct)

    • Resources are reserved in booking tool

  5. Production schedule/agenda is finalized and programming partners are looped in

  6. Info is finalized with partner contact programming logistics and communications documents are updated

  7. Event is posted on public calendar and queued in weekly newsletter and social media Buffer

  8. Cross-promotion content provided to community partners

  9. Project/event is produced

  10. Documentation and report provided by partner to TMAC

Non-Partner Events

  1. Potential user submits booking request form on the TMAC web site

  2. JPC reviews and assesses availability and fit

  3. Letter of agreement is signed by both parties

    • Resources are reserved in booking tool

  4. Deposit is paid (40% if within 60 days, in full if within 30 days)

  5. Renter volunteers arrive 2 hours prior to event or installation for run-through and procedures

Last updated